Sunday, October 9, 2011

Micro Project 1

Here is my first micro project, a walk through my journey to class in the morning. Each individual picture tells a part of the experience as well as the picture as a whole.

9:00 am - This picture is right outside the door of my apartment. It is black and white and radially blurred to  give the impression of tunnel vision and a lack of the senses. This is because I am generally still asleep at this time.

9:06 am - This is when i first hit campus. I made an attempt to add a "rain over the lens" effect because it seemed like every morning for the first week I was walking to class in the rain.

9:11 am - On the pathway heading towards Mirror Lake. Again, just showing the lack of senses experienced as I wake up, though a little color is seen as i come out of sleep. Also the picture itself just represents the crappy weather.

9:14 am - This is coming out the south oval heading west. The background picture doesn't have a meaning in itself as it was just a set up for the music notes. The music represents the fact that I am always listening to  music on the way to class. 

9:18 am - Walking along the side of the RPAC. The footsteps show that on my morning walk i am on a sort of "auto pilot" 

9:21 am - Finally to the stadium. No change in color saturation or blur to show that, at this point, I am mostly awake and aware. 

The piece as a whole is an attempt to show a progression from being asleep to awake. The color saturation and blur starts out black and white with heavy blur and transitions to full color and no blur. I kept the dividing lines and text white and very straight just because I tend to like a more minimalistic look.


  1. Everything was done very well. So well that the only thing we could really think of that could possibly improve it is, trying to show that you listen to music throughout the whole walk.

  2. Great work David. I like the explanation and the execution here.
