Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Final Project Pre-Blog

So, its time for the final. As always, i have the most trouble simply coming up with an idea for these things. I spend most of my time staring into space not knowing what to do and then take about 5 mins to do it. So for this project i decided to look at some work of my long time favorite artist, banksy, and see if i can't get some kind of idea flowing through my mind.

Banksy's art appeals to me because it is not conventional to anything. In comparing it to fine art you will find that it is not "fine," but is rather rough like graffiti of often is. On the other hand, it does not conform to the usual idea of graffiti either. It isn't big, stylized, colorful letters like most people would think of. His works are these incredibly artistic pieces, but are not "classically artistic," if that makes sense at all. More or less, this is where i got the idea for my big idea - going against convention.

All of our life we are told what to do and how to act, we can't do this, we can't do that. Where is our chance to challenge that? Banksy was told he would never have his art in a museum so what does he do? he sneaks in and puts it up himself. After adhering to the rules for so long, it makes it hard for me to rebel. Out of fear, out of morals, i don't really know. I wish i had the courage (and artistic ability) to sneak something into the wexner center and make my own exhibit. Instead, ill find something a little less drastic to do, just to get my rebellious fix in i guess. It seems I've been in a structured life for so long, its gotten boring and all i want to do something to make it a little more exciting. Now because we aren't supposed to do anything illegal, ill have to find something that doesn't push the boundaries as much. more or less I want to do something that goes against convention to see what it feels like and also see peoples reactions to it.

I want to test peoples reactions (more in simple observation than including the reactions in my final piece) to see what people think of a simple act of rebellion. Anything out of the ordinary seems to make people stop and stare. This is just something that interests me so i figure i can make a sort of side project out of it. worst case, it will give me a little amusement.

So ideas for this project.... I want to do something mainly focusing on the photography with maybe some slight editing in photoshop. i was thinking i could make a narrative of painting a little something on a dumpster in my alley. I don't really have the skill for a picture, but maybe something as simple as a phrase. I was also thinking about doing a series of photos documenting weird places to sit. I would have to find a willing participant, but then i would have them sit in places where people don't usually sit. The center of the oval, the middle of the library, etc. Just something innocent that would make people think "now why in the world would he be doing that?" Part rebellion, part social experiment.

And for music. Heres a song by "you me at six" and chiddy (from "chiddy bang") titled "rescue me." It's a little depressing but i like how the contrast in style from the chorus to the verses works together. Not a huge fan of the video. Don't really think it tells any kind of story. but oh well, here it is.

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